Contact- Welcome actors, artists, musicians, and fans to the Milkyy Way! With so many stars, we are the galaxy! Explore what Milkyy Media Syndicate is creating!
Dangerous talk between those superpowers! What is going on with the UN-civilized civilization? (says Ghandi) This is a hot topic! Something of concern to our fans and viewers. Of course its more important than entertainment and media. Let's get real.
This is a harsh world, not to be pessimistic. But you just don't know who to trust theeeeese days! You need to feel secure. We do have the answer about these rumors of war!! If you can't wait, go to (not https)
The meeting will be virtual/online and it will most likely be audio-only. This is so that streaming will be easier. The live meeting may or may not be on Decision pending. The exact date is TBA, but it will be in the next week, before April 7, 2020
To receive an invitation, please send request to
Please state what your basic questions are and your level of interest, if you are cast applicant who wants to be in the loop or you are somebody who is interested in the movie production plans, or if you are specific of what skills you are bringing to the table. The Syndicate welcomes all, with an artistic talent as well as collaborative willingness, please be professional and respectful.
This is not a formal business meeting, involving talks of money and investment; but the business is on the table, as one of the agenda points. I think a more focused business meeting will need to be convened hereafter.
Moderator/host will be co-founder and Continuitor ahgameN. Additional moderators are an option for larger meetings.
Try NOT to eat Fast food | McDonalds
I am not telling you what to do, as you know well, i advocate freedom and
free will - it's your body after all. But here is the research I did today
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