The Legend of Finchville

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"The Legend of Finchville"

"The Legend of Finchville" feature movie, starring Michelle Novacich, as a baby, her mother Karen Novacich and her father Peter Tasciotti. Michelle is also known as Emmanuelle, her original and preferred name. Finchville is a place, the place where the legend resides. Ahgapa knows FInchville. Karen knows Finchville. Emmanuelle should know Finchville. Finchville lives on forever, eternally! We were the Legend! Remember it well. The first Keyboa family on our own farm. Matthew Barbato also in this movie, was there. As was: Britt Terjanian, Jae Roberts, David Grein, John Stevens, Siuyoung Yao, Lance Harkin, and many more.... remember the legend forever. 

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Karen Novacich with Emma by Tasciotti

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