Contact- Welcome actors, artists, musicians, and fans to the Milkyy Way! With so many stars, we are the galaxy! Explore what Milkyy Media Syndicate is creating!
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- Matrix Immortals Redemption
- Gold Mine Gang
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- MicroCandy MacroCandy Game
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- Rebels of 1985
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- Touki Tico Stranded
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- XBoa
- Milkyy Media info
- "TimeSpace Chronicles" videos collection
- Piece of Mind
- Butter Crunshy
- Is Israel Real
- Israel Is Real
- Real Israel Is
- The MysterEy Variety Show
- Smurf Krishna Butter Thief
- Imbue
- Get Dat Paperboy
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- Documentary of Youtubes Rise
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- Beatnik Hollow poetry and spoken word
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- Disclaimer
- January 6 Truth | 3rd part of Trilogy within TimeSpace Chronicles
It is already announced as one of our projects, but we won't mention the title of it here. Because it's a secret!
Why do a movie about this TOTALITARIAN AUTHORITARIAN DYSTOPIAN? A new SciFi Epic from Milkyy Media needs to be interesting and pertinent.
Update on Matrix investigative documentary, a la psycho-thriller
Milkyy Media Syndicate
Our documentary of the real life story behind the Matrix Movie Series.
This website started with that as our main focus. It is coming around full circle now forwards and backwards in the manner of TimeSpace waves. More info will be posted here this second half of Summer.
Notwithstanding the sentiments and activism of Thomas althouse, the show must go on. He did say, we finish this. Well we do have the rights.
How they control the internet, the algorithms, A.I., cyborgs
We at MILKYY MEDIA SYNDICATE are probing into the deepstate of the interwebs. The Universe/galaxy is based upon Information - reality
Current Events Reporting begins now
Milkyy Media Syndicate begins today August 17 2021
to aggregate the selected Current Events Reporting you need! Otherwise known as news you need! This is launched now!!
Unacceptably huge swaths of forest are burning in Russia's Siberia region. Millions of acres!
Earthquakes have been increasing this week. Many major earthquakes, in the higher numbers of the Richter scale. Especially hard hit was Haiti.
The USA is ending its war in Afghanistan. The Taliban have taken over the country including the main capitol Kabul as of yesterday. There is a frantic airlift of refugees.
Governor Cuomo resigned from ruling over New York State a few days ago. The lieutenant governor has assumed power, first woman, not directly elected to that position.
Milkyy Media proto-Studio
Milkyy Media proto-Studio
It's a secret location, nestled into the hills of beautiful New York state (upstate, obviously not in the big city) We have some equipment there and lots of movie and media files! Lots of drama, which is supposed to be captured on film.
Please note: lawsuit to recover certain files which were stolen by malicious fanatics - court trial is still pending. This is regarding the MATRIX documentary.
Lots of work and editing is going on; all around the creation process is flowing!!
Milkyy Blog List
milKYY media syndicate ~ KYYboa: MacroCandy Game | TimeSpace waves! - milKYY media syndicate ~ KYYboa: MacroCandy Game | TimeSpace waves!: MacroCandy Game | TimeSpace waves! Take a look at some of the images of the work in pr...1 year ago
milKYY media syndicate ~ KYYboa: TimeSpace Chronicles: Update and review of TimeSpa... - milKYY media syndicate ~ KYYboa: TimeSpace Chronicles: Update and review of TimeSpa...: TimeSpace Chronicles: Update and review of TimeSpace website : Wh...1 year ago
Try NOT to eat Fast food | McDonalds - I am not telling you what to do, as you know well, i advocate freedom and free will - it's your body after all. But here is the research I did today on Mc...2 years ago
- Home
- What is "TimeSpace Chronicles"
- "TimeSpace Chronicles" videos collection
- Gold Mine Gang
- Matrix Immortals Redemption
- Milkyy Media info
- Movies of Tasciotti
- The Instant Messenger
- MicroCandy MacroCandy Game
- World War Mud
- Protesters
- chrono~Cosmonomy
- In Search of MysterEy
- Meeting-for-New-members
- Membership
- Cartoons
- Hippy Commune
- Solipsism Creed
- Butter Crunshy
- Touki Tico Stranded
- Piece of Mind
- Imbue
- Smurf Krishna Butter Thief
- The MysterEy Variety Show
- Is Israel Real
- Israel Is Real
- Real Israel Is
- Stars Of War
- Zargovlumroosh
- If-Death
- XBoa
- ScapeGoats
- Beatnik Hollow poetry and spoken word
- Questionnaire
- Documentary of Youtubes Rise
- Heyvazealia music
- Heyvazealia project in production
- Sitar in Her Stance project
- The Legend of Finchville
- Disclaimer
- Rebels of 1985
- Get Dat Paperboy