Spies sent from Planet of Felines

cat planet
Just a little competition with YOUTUBE since we are hearing that the oly thing they excel at is CAT VIDEOS!!

Ahgamen keyboA_: Fear of War between USA and Russia

Ahgamen keyboA_: Fear of War between USA and Russia:  USA vs. Russia War Currently, there is discussion of such a scenario.  Yet this is cyclic, all throughout the so-called Cold War.  The spec... 

Will there be War between Russia and USA?

We resume our Current Events analysis

Dangerous talk between those superpowers!  What is going on with the UN-civilized civilization? (says Ghandi)  This is a hot topic! Something of concern to our fans and viewers. Of course its more important than entertainment and media.  Let's get real.

This is a harsh world, not to be pessimistic.  But you just don't know who to trust theeeeese days!  You need to feel secure. We do have the answer about these rumors of war!!  If you can't wait, go to http://ahgamen.net (not https)

Matrix movies | documentary | Matrix Redemption | Milkyy-Media


Matrix movie explained, science-fiction documentary. True origins of the idea and storyline, based upon screenplay by another author. Matrix franchise watered down the script. Our documentary on the Matrix movies will reveal a shocking cover-up. In production: MATRIX REDEMPTION aka Immortals Redeemed. Immortals was the original title of the screenplay (the science project). https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11574780/  

Robert Winthrop Chanler | Fine Art | Ohdavam | Milkyy-Media

Sitar raga | Diana Waldron | series1a Remix | Milkyy Media Music


Milkyy Media also has some assorted videos available on VIMEO platform.  In case you are a Vimeo user, here's the link to our offerings...  https://vimeo.com/videos2018

Athletic Gymnastic Acrobatic in the Jungle | Heyvazealia | Milkyy-Media

Vintage material low-res footage, experimental production. Heyvazealia 2008
for the Keyboa Tribal nation aka KYYBOA
Amazing fun in the wilderness!!!
Basic description of video on youtube: Fun Wildlife!! Loves Wilderness! c.2008 She's exploring the lush jungle! She's athletic and gymnastic and acrobatic. Watch death-defying leaps. antics, exciting adventure. This is the younger days of Heyvazealia - vintage material of her! She was doing her project Element-Alchemy with Peter-Appleseed aka they are Ahgamen-Keyboa-Heyvazealia

Milkyy animated imagery

Milkyy Media mini-movies: 

Wheat-pennies old coins!

Visual Artist working on Milkyy project TimeSpace Chronicles

Milkyy Media is making progress on TimeSpace Chronicles project

Milkyy Media is making progress! We're happy to announce an update about our TimeSpace Chronicles project!  The project is of the most epic proportions and is basically a history series, with a unique twist.  TimeSpace Chronicles is structured around the new perspective on the passage of Time and of Space, as invented by the author of it.  These Chronicles utilize a device known as MapCharts to help with navigation through Time and Space.  It is actually scientifically-derived.
    We are working with a well-known and long-established artist (fill in the blank here) - his name will not be announced until we finish the delicate process of the artwork.  It is very fortunate and auspicious to have someone of his capabilities on board.  It will help to keep things top-notch and high quality.  
    Basically, this work is the final step in finishing the early phase of producing TimeSpace Chronicles.  Some of you may have watched any of the experimental video mashes, but none of that does it justice.  The forthcoming series will be a wonderful ground-breaking event.  Believe you me!!! 
    Since the Winter season of 2018-2019, the MapCharts were being developed.  That's three long years!  During that period, all of the development was conducted on "rough drafts" of the MapCharts.  As of this juncture, we are proud to say that we successfully completed this initial phase! 
    Upon finishing this last step of the early phase, we will embark on the next phase.  Very thankful we made it through the developmental phase.  It was an amazing journey of discovery.  During the upcoming phase, we will be able to release to the public the polished version of the MapCharts.  Hoping you will be interested and as you are able to examine this artistic and scientific device, you are sure to stay fascinated!  
    Milkyy Media has so many stars, we are the galaxy... and these revolutionary MapCharts will prove that to all our viewers and fans!

Sitar Raga | Diana Waldron | series 3 | Milkyy-Media

Music videos from Our Series3 of Sitar by Diana Waldron. Series 3 contains four separate ragas.
raga #4 of series-3

raga #2 of series-3

Matrix Movie Documentary


Update to the production:

Initially it's important to understand the basis for this project. The MATRIX Movie is not what it appears to be.  In other words it's a deception and a fraud. The franchise is rife with dishonesty. 

This documentary intends to explain what's the situation behind this whole popular institution. It intends to depict a detailed timeline of how the script was actually originated. The hidden original screenplay. However most of this scenario is built solely upon the claims of one man.  Are the crucial facts proven?  Is there sufficient evidence?  The documentary seeks to answer those questions!

Fireside Chat we can all gather around

Fireside chat will soon be here. As a part of the Milkyy Media news and views DEPT.  Milkyy brings you what you want and need. These fireside chats are reminiscent of the well-known historical firesides of FDR - that's President Roosevelt.  

Ian Couch homage

Ian Couch is a great artist! 

In the past, Ian was part of the team on Protesters, the movie.  He also played a role of one of the Protesters.  Here is a Brenda Cooney movie-still from Protesters.

Eventually, we will be showing a "behind the scenes" documentary of how we work with Mr. Couch.  He is definitely instrumental with the projects of Milkyy Media Syndicate.  Currently in the department of aerial cinematography! Awesome stuff.  Isn't it sort of miraculous to fly up in the clouds with the birds?!!

Shoutout to the extraordinary Camera professional, Ian Couch!

Margaret Robbins Woodstock NY with Ahga-men Keyboa "Singing Goat"

Milkyy Media | Kyyboa | Chief Cochise

Kyyboa tribe | Milkyy-Media

The Kyyboa Tribe is back!

Kyyboa has returned!  What does that mean?  Focus on the word Kyyboa for a moment.  There was a protocol that it would be spelled Keyboa on the internet.  A rule which was imposed since 2016.  Search engines beware! Remember that? Around 2015 it was discovered that Kyyboa hardly ever turned up and was force redirected to K E Y B O A R D (as in piano, synthesizer, or computer, device, etc)  But this was not originally connected with Kyyboa.  Kyyboa is actually a tribe.  Anyhow, because of technical errors or A.I weaknesses (it could've been a subliminal shadow-ban hunh?) the action was taken by the founder, to change Kyyboa to Keyboa.  That is now being reversed!!  We are resuming function with the word Kyyboa.  Let's find out what happens.  This video will represent Kyyboa's re-emergence and triumphant conquering of the world wide web... sort of.  This tribe doesn't really belong to the internet, it is above and beyond such a construct.  Long live the truth of Kyyboa!!! amen
and so, this is a small piece of the full movie. A featurette or short movie which is going to be finished in the near future.  Take a look at what is on the basic iMovie dashboard: 
Kyyboa Tribe short movie in post-production, as part of TimeSpace Chronicles epic series

One of the prequels, or the part of the series before this one (on TimeSpace Chronicles - Wave#F) looks like this, a previous video clip on Milkyy Media Yt channel

Rosalie Tenseth homage

One of the great comedic talents! A great past member of Milkyy Media productions (we hope to work with again)!  The amazing actress, Rosalie Tenseth!!!

Of course, what you should know, she played a phenomenal supporting role in the ensemble cast of the epic satire "In Search of Myster Ey"!  Her role was as the character Gwendolyn, the celebrity interviewer! IMDB listing here https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1673399/ She can follow a script expertly, and is extremely skilled at improv as well.

 Check out her official website https://www.rosalietenseth.com/

Shout out to a great star, Rosalie!

Sitarist Diana Waldron | Sitar Raga 3rd Series | Like Lakshmi

This is the 3rd series of Ragas by Sitarist Diana Waldron, which Milkyy Media MUSIC has produced.  In this one, she appears as the ancient four-armed Hindu goddess, Lakshmi.  This is merely because of the cinematography edit, overlay of multiple camera angles.. or is it?!  In any case, it looks surreal and amazing.  This song set as usual, is acoustic and UNPLUGGED (notice the wall outlet behind her, nothing plugged in).  With the exception of the layer of background stringed instrument sounds, which provide a rhythm guitar/sitar beat.

PROTESTERS | Edly Chery | Aimee Tumenang | Milkyy-Media

PROTESTERS the movie

One special excerpt, a featurette that spins off the main plot.  Protesters, Upiqui Upi'Ipsiing and Jellydroll Dingle (played by actresses, Edly Chery and Aimee Tumenang) are at a party to meet The Psychic.  Also there is Peter Appleseed (Movie director in a cameo), who is strangely enough, doing an astrology reading!  Edly Chery is the supporting role to Folake Olowofoyeku, who plays the leading role as character, Felice Falafafull.  Aimee Tumenang is in the role of Jellydroll, best friend of Upiqui.

 | Milkyy-Media |  

Even more bizarre, there is an appearance by actress, Priya Chen. Can you find her in the movie? She was invited to the party by Peter Appleseed.  She seemed to distract The Psychic from his deep concentration.  Priya is uncredited in Protesters the movie.  But she has a leading role in the movie, In Search of Myster Ey!
Priya chen (dormant) youtube channel

Tasciotti Directore circa 2004

Protesters, the movie, is sure to be a favorite classic on your list.  Seek out the director's cut full version. Which will be interactive on the upcoming Milky Media APP!

Heyvazealia song | Sunbelt of Orion | Premieres on Youtube

"Sun Belt of Orion" by Heyvazealia Keyboa

directed by Tasciotti  exec. producer Myster Ey

[also listed at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt16254018/ Click here]

Lo and Behold, we are using the convenience of the popular public platform, Youtube, to launch a new music art film experience.  In a few short moments, the premiere will happen and the first group viewing will be experienced, one and all.  Many friends and fans were invited and we will have to wait and see who is able to show up!  Comments were requested, whether bad or good! 

The most important part of this plan is to get constructive criticism.  Every aspect of the art film can be critiqued.  There is the musical aspect of it.  From the work of the musician artist, to the work done on the audio mix - the post-production.  Then there is the visual aspect, the special effects, the look and feel of it, the theme.  Also there is the content and message of what all the elements convey.  Your reactions are going to be welcome.  Even if it is not your cup of tea.  You can let us know what you would rather watch.  It can have an influence!

https://youtu.be/Txn0imThHI4 https://youtu.be/Txn0imThHI4

People Eating with Peter Appleseed | Milkyy-Media

Legend of Finchville | Michelle Novacich | Milkyy-Media

Please note: this is a rough documentary, real but raw.  It is a proof-of-concept.  It is a stepping stone to doing a full-length documentary movie complete with re-enactments.  That is the optimistic hope for the future of this screenplay.  Because the world needs to have access to this true, real-life story..

Milkyy Media's main webpage for this movie with detailed production info TBA http://www.milkyymedia.com/p/the-legend-of-finchville-milkyy-media.html
From the related-blog: 

August Taylor porn actress stolen child Legal Name Michelle Novacich

August Taylor a.k.a. Angelica Taylor a.k.a. AngelicaTitties a.k.a. Nadia Villanova etc

Those fictitious/artist names are the professional tricks of the trade of a pornographic actress or a porn star.  But she started out life as an innocent baby, who then was taken as a stolen child.  She was absconded by her mother and helped by so-called "advocates" to eventually drop her into the nefarious cartel of the porn industry.

Her legal name was and still is: Michelle Anne Novacich 

Why are these things being stated? Outing somebody?  Dropping dox?  No, it is MY STORY. Peter E. Tasciotti.  Look up my dox (docs) I want you to.  Read it and weep.  I did.  It is an extreme tragedy.  But there is a silver lining.  If you want to think of this as outing or exposing or shaming or whatever, then you are wrong, because it would be impossible to do it to yourself.  ON THE CONTRARY, I have a right to tell my story, as difficult as it may be.

My story and the story of Karen Novacich and the child she had stolen, Michelle Novacich is the subject of a serious feature Documentary Movie.  Not another porn movie of August Taylor (have you sampled those or enjoyed them recently? anyhow...) 

read more click here


Edmund Haffmans Home | Tasciotti Director | Milkyy-Media


"Sir Edmund the Strange"

Appearing in a documentary of Truth

This unique character goes by the name of "Sir Edmund the Strange". He has been knighted by himself, because he is some kinda royalty (Sarcasm intended?)  But Tasciotti aka. Agaman (sp.Ahgamen) has known Edmund Haffmans as a friend for about 30 years, since the early 1990's!  That's a long-time however of late, there is some strife.  Before we get into that legal scenario, let's watch the movie and get some background.  Starting with the fact that Tasciotti has frequently over the years rendered hard-labor for Edmund Haffmans without monetary compensation.  In other words, factually speaking and definitely a statement of truth - Haffmans has gladly used the physical work and skilled services of Tasciotti (carpenter, builder, artist) on multiple occasions and at multiple locations/job-sites for NO MONETARY COMPENSATION, meaning that Haffmans did not pay anything, he paid no money to Tasciotti.  This was according to the spiritual principles of Tasciotti, as you can observe and listen to within the first ten minutes of this video - the Convo between Tasciotti and Reverend Carol Antun.  What Tasciotti was rendering in work and labor (legally not known as EMPLOYMENT) was also a part of an endearing friendship between himself and Edmund Haffmans.  This was not an arrangement which was intended to be then disrepected nor taken-advantage-of by Haffmans who, after all is said and done... well you can watch all the documentary material and decide for yourself!  Many more videos to be released for your edification. EDification! 
All rights reserved, under First Amendment and N.Y.State "one party consent legal statute"

Sitar over the Hudson series | Waldron | Tasciotti Director | Couch Aerial Cinema.

Sitar spiritual documentary.  Newest production.  Big thanks to sister project "Her stance" by Heyvazealia!

Here is the first video, with two or three more ragas to be uploaded later... (Please note: we know the audio is flawed from drone sounds and background noises. We will have better audio equipment next time!) Here are two versions.  The one on rightside has a more natural sound of the Sitar, but more background noise.  The one on leftside has more effects on the Sitar, but less background noise. 

Raga #1


Raga #2

Hope you enjoy the wonderful sounds and sights of Milkyy Media!
Another video of the artist/Sitarist Diana Waldron.  This one is self-produced. 

Movies of Tasciotti, Director: Announcing 2 new Movies

Movies of Tasciotti, Director: Announcing 2 new Movies: Tasciotti Directore will announce these new movies now. Not that they are the only new ones "coming down the pike", but they will ... 

Film... the older Technology


not video, movies, not digital

It can be and now must be made into the form which can be used on the newer machines.  In other words, digitization. 


Painting of Wild Horses

UPDATE: video clip depicting the INSPIRATION for the sky with Storm clouds!

There is a "creative process"  Milkyy Media is working on the painting of Wild Horses galloping around the desert.  It's a work-in-progress - looks like this so far... 

Julia Walsh Oatmeal by Ahgamen

Julia Walsh says, "This is the stuff dreams are made of". Was she referring to something here, the video itself, the documentary, the future of Milkyy Media?  Or just the oatmeal on the spoon?  Probably not.

Julia Walsh is a special kind of character.  

Sometimes as a cartoonish effect, she will be Sunshine the Clown.  That is also her, some kinda alter ego.  Sunshine the Clown is fun for the kids at party.  A very nice clown.  And that is something Milkyy Media would like to explore, maybe with Sunshine's help.  It is the topic of CLOWNS.  What is the truth about Clowns??  

Historic Painting to be Restored by MilkyyMedia Syndicate

The painting in question is hanging on the wall behind the people in this photo

So the painting was being examined carefully.  It had been hanging on a wall for decades.  Here are old photographs of it hanging in the Tasciotti home in the 1970s 

Then for about 20 years it was in storage, forgotten.  Recently it was re-discovered by Milkyy Media (through Ahgamen). As part of developing the artistry for Milkyy movies, we've been exploring all of the archives.

FACTS: This painting has no signature, but it could have been removed.  It was purchased by bidding at an auction in Dutchess County of New York.  When we look closely at the scene in the painting, there is a SWAN on the leftside.  Do you see the swan?

No painter would include a swan in the scene, floating on the small lake, yet cut off the view of it!  Therefore the painting on the canvas is partially folded over and not seen completely.  It must have been forced into a smaller frame.

Look carefully at the back of painting.  It has the imprint of where the frame used to be.  But look at how the canvas was nailed into the fancy outer frame.  Look at how there is no frame and the edges of the canvas looks like it had been cut.

It is possible (theoretically) that the painting was originally larger.  For some strange reason, it was "cropped" down to fit into the present frame it is within. 

What can we do?  Another question is this: what HISTORICAL PERIOD is this depicting?  What YEAR is it?  Who are the people that are showcased?  General guess it that they are European, aristocratic type. 

Can anybody help with information?  Who's the expert on these matters?! Please help us so we can fix this mysterious painting.

Milkyy Blog List