These are trying times indeed. Lots of changes are happening all around us! Can you relate to this? It seems that the world is in a downward spiral and it's not good, it's going to challenge us to roll with it. That's the only way. We have to learn quick. Be adaptable and do whatever it takes to survive.
The movie and entertainment industry will also be affected by these great changes. The world is being transformed through chaos and collapse of outdated systems. Everything will change and give way to the new, the required, the improved and it will be a better world. But not before we suffer. There is no gain without pain.
This particular project of bringing Milkyy Media Syndicate into the industry and the civilization at large... is a major work. Especially during these tumultuous times. And it makes it that much more difficult. I will not into details here, that is for the telling later on. Heretofore, we will experience a new way of life and of creating movies.
Update 2020March28: we are expanding. A virtual meeting is being
scheduled for the next week or so. It will be audio only, but for
future meetings, we will possibly go to video-conferencing/webcam. This
is for all serious applicants to join the Syndicate. You are invited
and will have the opportunity to become an official member and make a
commitment to our creative group/as well as the inceptional project. Be
prepared to make a decision within this meeting, it is a one-time
chance. If you are not ready to join, then you can wait for the next