How they control the internet, the algorithms, A.I., cyborgs

We at MILKYY MEDIA SYNDICATE are probing into the deepstate of the interwebs.  The Universe/galaxy is based upon Information - reality


Current Events Reporting begins now

Milkyy Media Syndicate begins today August 17 2021

to aggregate the selected Current Events Reporting you need! Otherwise known as news you need! This is launched now!!


Unacceptably huge swaths of forest are burning in Russia's Siberia region. Millions of acres!

Idaho and Washington states have too many wildfires raging

there is the largest concentration of fires in the northern California region next to Nevada.

these are the current planetary positions in the local universe of the Milky Way. 

Hurricane Fred remnants tropical storm surged into land northwards from the Gulf of Mexico. Rain storms and flooding into Alabama Georgia and north carolina.

Earthquakes have been increasing this week.  Many major earthquakes, in the higher numbers of the Richter scale. Especially hard hit was Haiti. 

The USA is ending its war in Afghanistan. The Taliban have taken over the country including the main capitol Kabul as of yesterday. There is a frantic airlift of refugees. 

Governor Cuomo resigned from ruling over New York State a few days ago. The lieutenant governor has assumed power, first woman, not directly elected to that position. 

Milkyy Media proto-Studio

Milkyy Media proto-Studio

Where is it? 
Who produces there? What goes on?

It's a secret location, nestled into the hills of beautiful New York state (upstate, obviously not in the big city) We have some equipment there and lots of movie and media files!  Lots of drama, which is supposed to be captured on film.

Please note: lawsuit to recover certain files which were stolen by malicious fanatics - court trial is still pending.  This is regarding the MATRIX documentary.

Lots of work and editing is going on; all around the creation process is flowing!! 

David Knight documentary


This is the EnternetGlobal/ Milkyy Media Documentary of David Knight in Kingston, NY 2021 May 28.  It is raw, spontaneous, Not-in-a-studio, on-the-street recording of Knight's convos with random people after the Peace and Freedom festival event.  That event was sponsored by Gerald Celente

More info can be found at Gerald Celente + David Knight

video description:  Director Peter Tasciotti convo with David Knight live in New York. 2021 May 28.  This is a raw, spontaneous documentary of Peter's meeting with David which continues various discussion of topics.  Took place after the Peace and Freedom festival, which was organized by Gerald Celente and "Occupy Peace" in Kingston, NY.  Some people are asking David Knight random questions, general discussion of the current events we are living through in the USA and Around the world.  Topics include: Christianity, Bible, Constitution, American History, home-schooling, eschatology, health, freedom, etc.
The portion where Alex Jones was mentioned has been edited out, that will be posted at a later date.
Documentary produced by EnternetGlobal and Milkyy Media Syndicate 2021
(note: this does have audio sync issues, towards the last half of clip, the audio is lagging.  Our apologies, the editing error causes that problem)
IMPORTANT:  Milkyy Media and Tasciotti have a policy about religion, government, politics, race, and other social subdivisions.  The policy is basically to remain neutral and centralized.  Speaking for himself first and foremost, as founder of the group, Tasciotti is neither left wing nor right wing, no limitation to religion, although respecting the best Wisdom within all religions.  Not dwelling on the superficialities and political correctness of the racism, the classism, and other types of categorizations.

Ahgamen keyboA_: Fine Art ~ paintings and drawings by Ahgamen keyboa.

Ahgamen keyboA_: Fine Art ~ paintings and drawings by Ahgamen keyboa.:  Fine Art by Ahgamen Keyboa. drawings and paintings etc.                                                                                   


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