Movies of Tasciotti

 "Movies of Tasciotti"

Milkyy Media Syndicate project for this comprehensive movie: a 30+ years retrospective of the true underground and original artist.  Giving an authentic example of "independent film-making"  Movies-of OR Movies-by Tasciotti  The retrospective is actually a distillation and a fast-paced overview.  It will strive to depict all the diversity of Tasciotti's work in movies, film and multimedia.  Many artists and art-lovers will be able to appreciate this type of creative lifestyle.  It is to be an inspiration for all those who seek truth on the highest spiritual path - with the willpower to express the journey.

Pardon this sarcasm!  It's for humility.

The webpage for the whole project is More detailed info TBA therein...
More info about the public figure Tasciotti is at

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