Basic Carpentry to make Cat Sanctuary

attn: good question was posed, regarding why the newest released video was made using a cheap camera? I'm glad you asked. We have civil action now, lawsuit to recover/compensation for the theft and destruction of our camera equipment and files for the Matrix documentary. Yes that is correct and true. The crime which happened over the course of the past year, took place mainly in Mississippi and Tennessee. Stay tuned, the lawsuit will take time. It is filed in U.S. District court. many delays.

NOTE: the timestamp on the video should be ignored, it is incorrect and the cheap camera keeps resetting it when the new memory card is put in or battery dies, etc. A documentary, filmed in one continuous scene with simple digital camera and postproduction edit on flowblade. Features peter appleseed carpenter, using basic carpentry skills to build a simple, rough version of a cat sanctuary. This is not exactly a formal how-to, so please do not assume it is. This is a documentary, mainly of interest to students of Civilogia and fans of former youtube community leader, UtubiaPresident peter appleseed. Unity for Utubia. Of course, before and after he was President, peter was a carpenter and builder. This club house refurbished as a cat sanctuary is because his children had pet cats and they wanted a special new home. The old club house was perfect for that, or should we say purr-fect.

Trust LBRY and Odysee?


LBRY is a new protocol for sharing files: video, audio, images, PDF, etc.  Is it decentralized?  What is platform?   Odysee is the 2.0 of  Should we trust this new phenomenon on the web?

LBRY is basically promoted as an alternative / COMPETITION to youtube which is owned by  google

Ahgamen gives erudite opinion on the LBRY venture.  Ahgamen poses thoughts and criticism, questions arise from this new start-up.

and the image below has only indirect relation to the subject of this post.. Just to remind everybody, we will still be working on the Matrix movie!

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